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Ellie and Rachel's blog

8th Dec 2020

We love being in Mrs Fitzpatrick's class! This term we have been reading Bad Girls by Jacqueline Wilson and learning about rainbows and anti-bullying. 

We play Bingo and Hit the Button to help with our tables. We use the I-pads to research topics and do our AR tests - everyone who reaches their AR target gets to go to the Reading Party at the end of term. We earn stickers for good work and kindness and when we get 5 we get a night off homework.

It is great fun outside in the school grounds, there is a stage for us to perform our song and dance routines or we can lie in the hammocks and look up through the trees. This year we have helped to plant a hedge.  We go to Forest School too and learn all about nature and go orienteering.

Every Friday we have joke day. The best joke last week was "What do racehorses eat?" "Fast food!"